My friend ayako came to mine with lulu the poodle to make a demo in the living room as my landload John was away for a couple of days.
We started practicing the guitar/bass guitar nearly 1 year ago to form a band.We began with some Ramones' songs just like everybody else does(will never forget the exciting feelings when we first played together without amps! Also we realized the greatness of Ramones again...) then started writing our own songs by loads of trials and errors.
Despite the never-ending struggle,we've been trying out with some drummers who responded to our ad since last month and,finally we decided our drummer last week! Hopefully it will work out and we can start gigging soon,need to make our myspace first though! We are going to play punk/garage influenced pop songs by the way.
Lulu perched on my arm
Wish you would have something like a Utube on your blog so I could hear what you guys are up to.
Thanks for your comment,yes we will work on it soon!